Snoezelen therapy originates from Holland, where in the 60's it was an attempt to entertain severely developmentally disabled patients. The basic idea is to enhance sensory perception with stimulation - light, sound, smell, touch - different than what the patients experience in their everyday lives. It is important that the participant feels secure and has a good time. To achieve these goals together with relaxation the waterbed plays a central role.

Snoezelen vízágy

While the comfort of a heated surface with uniform weight distribution already serves the principles of Snoezelen therapy, it turns out that the beneficial effects of sound and music are even more effective if their lower bass register make their way to the center of sensory perception directly through the body and not just through the ears. This phenomenon led to development of a Snoezelen waterbed with a special transducer which transmits the low frequencies of sound directly to the body through the water by vibrating it. The music or sound therapy thereby takes on a new dimension and its user experiences an environment even more unique from the one accustomed to, making the therapy more effective.

We have been delivering waterbeds suitable for Snoezelen therapy to Hungarian rehabilitation and medical facilities for over 15 years now. We can provide complete Snoezelen rooms together with soundproofing and equipment, or just the special waterbeds.